Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thoughts since my last Haiti Medical Missions Trip in July 2012

It's been a while since I have last posted & since have been back to Haiti in July 2012....but wanted to share what I recently shared at a Church when I spoke about Haiti. Some thoughts from my journal that I have to remind myself of,especially when I am back continuing my studies and waiting to get to return to Haiti. 
     My Journal-- We quickly realize how truly privileged we are where we live.  Most of the world lives in poverty, and is much more impoverished than even our homeless people, for they do not even have clean water to drink.  They have not chosen this life, but are here just like us for a purpose!  We are the ones that are sheltered, we need to get out into the world and share with others about the God that saves, that died for us to have eternal life with Him.  We get so caught up in our busy day to day lives, our jobs, our sometimes selfish ways to find happiness, to search for contentment, for more money, for love from others, for acceptance, yet we loose sight of the whole reason we are here on this earth for this momentary time, to serve others, to share the gospel, to worship, to love others as our selves, and live as Christ did.  This puts in perspective our true need for Jesus, and basic needs to live.... of water, food, medicine, and shelter.  Our life is really not any better than theirs, we do not need so much, and in many ways these people are more strong in their faith, having to place all their trust and hope in Christ to live each day.
"The place where God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the worlds deep hunger meet"- Fredrick Buechner

   I have been extremely blessed and learned much from the Haitians. 
Psalm 13 9:10: "Even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast."
-Praying the Lord will provide and Guide me where & how to serve this Summer in Haiti 2013.

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