Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 1- Sunday, March 6th & Day 2- First Clinic: Mon., March 7th

  Day 1- Sunday, March 6th  
     The night before I left I had trouble sleeping, just the anticipation and nervousness of the unknown was on my mind.  After spending all day Saturday packing, I was tired of packing and ready to get to Haiti.  Bethany and my flight was a little crazy checking in at US Airways, being delayed, then trying to transfer to AA.  God sent a little Cuban angel in a red suite coat to guide us to our concourse in the large Miami airport in which our terminals where on opposite ends.  However we met the group from Pritchard Memorial Baptist Church, who brought 8 young adults for our team 64.  Even though we arrived late just as everyone was boarding, the lady checking Bethany & I in, blessed us with transferring our back row seats to first class!!  This was a blessing to have lunch provided on the plane since we missed it in our rush between flights. 
  The flight on AA was wonderful, and we arrived in Haiti with the warm heat from the outside.  We all loaded/ crammed in a bus that took us to customs.  Once we arrived in customs, we showed our passport & papers, and slowly got through the long line.  Our luggage in its entirety arrived, what a blessing and surprise!! 
  The walk out into the open Port-Au-Prince parking lot was very busy, and seemingly chaotic.  Crowds gathered as our group and other groups on missions teams followed the long path as people stare and watch you closely pass.  We thankfully met up with Bobby, the missionary who led us to the NC School Bus.  The bumpy ride was very eye opening.  I was thankful to be on the bus, as I watched other groups cram into the Tap taps.  We drove out of the city and down a long road along side gorgeous Mt's.  The compound is very safe, and gated, and guarded, everyone here is so nice!! We had a quick orientation, introduced ourselves, and unpacked, and had a wonderful meal of Haitian stew.  We met the wonderful three Haitian physicians who I worked with the first day,  Dr. Vlad, Merline, & Francis.  As well as we met Rebecca Buck, RN, Dr. Kevin & his daughter Rachel, (an LPN) from Florida. 
  The first night here at the compound, once again I had a hard time falling asleep, I got very few hours of sleep. 
Day 2- First Clinic: Mon., March 7th
I think I am still running on adrenaline. 
 We woke up at 5:30am to begin packing the vehicles to go to the various locations, of construction, alpha medical team & omega medical team.  I was in the alpha team with Bethany and myself doing triage, vital signs, and getting brief histories and chief complaints.  Then we  would send the patient to one of the three doctors with us.  We also had Jennifer, a Haitian pharmacy tech, and Williamson helped translate for Bethany and myself.  This clinic went from about 8am to 4pm none stop.  The lines were so long, but overall everyone waited patiently in line.  I do not think I have ever taken that many vitals in one day.  After the first few patients I quickly became aware of the common complaints, cough, colds, headaches, high BP, anemia, vomiting, diarrhea, yeast infections, rashes, open wounds, pregnancy, infants with failure to thrive.  Oh how I wish I knew more about these various rashes, & bumps, but plan to learn more as soon as I can!!        Oh the patients today, I remember their faces.  From frail women with pain and conjunctivitis, to men with diabetes, abdominal pain, and many pregnant mothers, to the oh so sweet children. I fell in love with them all!! Little infants melted my heart, so helpless, yet eyes of pearls.  One baby girl just beamed with smiles to me even though she had shortness of breath.  I was so excited to help one girl who had fallen and busted her nose, and had become infected and blocked her nasal passages.  This girl as well as the other children I helped was all such compliant patients, not fearful, and so grateful.  This little girl sat very patiently as I motioned her to tilt her head back and let me clean her injury.  She left with a smile on her face, and I was able to slip a small heart shaped silly band on her wrist :)  I remember two other children that touched my heart, and after caring for them and slipping them a cross shaped silly band after their visit.  These patients after seeing myself took their slip of paper to the doctor who wrote on the paper their diagnosis and medications needed.  They then waited in another line to receive their meds, and then would disappear out of the gate and slip back into the streets.  We set up our clinic outside of a man's home, the Pharmacy was held on his front porch, and we set up the tables to see patients in front of the home. 
           I loved riding in the truck with Dr. Vlad today hearing about his ministry hear, how he trained hear in Haiti, and in the States.  Hearing his story about how he was here during the earthquake, as a team had come and the first day of arriving was caught in the earthquake.  Losing all of their belongs, passports, luggage, surviving for four days, before Dr. Vlad come on motorcycle to find them. 
          Wow the many stories, you can see on these people's faces, and what they have gone through and survive each day.
          I also enjoyed seeing the cute puppies at the home we had the clinic at today.  There are many stray dogs around, goats, pigs, donkeys, I saw some horses, and cows.  The land is mostly flat with many tropical plants, plantains, and mango trees.  The island is between the blue water, and green hilly mountains.
  We all returned to the house for showers, and dinner, devotions later, and hopefully I will sleep tonight. However, I am still not tired, anticipating for what awaits tomorrow!! 
          I have taken some photos, however I do not want to bog the Internet. But hopefully I will have the chance tonight or tomorrow to upload just a taste of the photos thus far :)


  1. I love seeing how GOd has already been providing for yall and how faithful he is!!! I will be praying for you as you help the people and also as you share about the ultimate Physcian!! God is at work, trust that he is in Control and is working in this area!! I will be praying that God will give you some rest tonight and he will continue to give you renewed Strenght!! I hope you found the verses we sent yoU! I pray that each one will speak to you and will be applied to every second of the day!! I am so proud of all of your hard work and I know GOd will be with you through everything!
    1 Sam. 2:8 He lifts the poor from the dust-- Yes, from a pile of ashes-- And treats them as princes sitting in the seats of honor. For all the earth is the Lord's And he has set the world in order.

    LOve you

  2. THANKS SIS for your encouragement. tonights devotional was awesome just hearing the stories from each person of how God showed himself to them today. We were overwhelmed at how little these people have, how long they waited in lines, how little they complain, and yet they still have hope, they sang today and prayed before clinic. Imagine if we prayed and sing praises as we wait to see the doctor. My prayer I was reminded tonight was Heb. 12:1 let us put aside our sins, & whatever may hinder us and run the race set before us with endurance, as we fix our eyes on Jesus. I felt like there is just an enormous amount of medical need here, and I know I was making a difference, but wanted to be able to do more, know more, how to diagnose. But the haitians were so grateful for a blood pressure check, glucose check, weight check, medications,even though I may have felt like I want to be able to do more, the Lord used me to His glory.
