Friday, July 29, 2011

Church Service at First Baptist Church Titanyen, Haiti: Sunday, July 10, 2011:

              Sunday morning came an hour early, as I accidentally woke up from my cell phone alarm still on U.S. time J  However, this did not matter because I was very excited anyway to attend my first Church service in Haiti at First Baptist Church Titanyen.  The church was very close to the compound, right down the road.  Upon entering the church there were men ready to seat each person, as the church was quite crowded (already with a couple hundred people). I sat with the NCBM host couple (Bobby & Wanda), and summary missionary (Asher). I was excited to see other friendly familiar faces, of NCBM Haitian staff attending.
                At the beginning of the service the pastor asked for all the visitors to stand.  I figured that I would have stood out already, but I ended up having to stand as one of the very few Caucasian guests (quite embarrassing).  But everyone was very friendly, and welcoming.  It was very awesome to see ‘Ju’ leading in worship playing the bass guitar.  We had communion today, which was a little difficult trying to follow in Creole.
               My favorite part of the service was the praise songs, and time of worship!! I recognized only one song that I could sing along in English, “Halleluiah, Halleluiah, for the Lord God almighty reigns…. Halleluiah, holy holy, you are lord god almighty, worthy is the lamb, worthy is the lamb amen”.  However, all the songs were repetitive, and I enjoyed learning the words, and humming along.  **Everyone sang at the top of their lungs, all in beautiful harmony, with hands raised and hearts in true worship. This was such a humbling experience being in such an alive for Christ church, worshiping with all that they have and all that they are.  They gave a regular offering, as well as practically ran down to the front of the church, excited to give again towards the funding of their new church. It was a blessing to experience a truly inspiring and humbling worship service.   
                Pastor David Hickman preached today, (a minister of 28 years for global outreach), using a translator to teach about Joshua, and having the faith and trust to cross the Jordon, how we need to be strong and courageous, Joshua 1:6.  **He challenged us to hold our standards to God’s and His word, and put Him first, storing up treasures in heaven, as ‘where our treasure is our heart is also’.  The Pastor told us we are here for a purpose, he told the Haitian people they could have been in that mass grave, they could have died in the earthquake, but everything was shaken so that God could get the hearts of the Haitian people to turn from Satan and voodoo towards God.  You were saved from the earthquake and are here for a purpose, and God has a special plan for your life.  What a powerful message today, that we are all here for a purpose, we can make a difference in our world!  After the service, it was a blessing to get to meet the doctor’s friends, whom supported them through medical school, will be in their wedding and had come to visit from Indiana. 
                Many of the children tagged behind me, some asking for my watch or bracelet, but I would just ask their names, and tell them hello. 
                After the service, one of the Haitian staff ( ‘Ro’) wanted to show us his current family’s home in a Samaritan’s purse shelter, and his new home he is building them.  We walked right outside the church and met his mother, and three sisters at their shelter.  Then we walked over to where he is building the new cement for his family. The craftsmanship is beautiful with stars, and designs carved into the stone work.  You could also see the new church building, with the frame in place out in a field behind the church.  I think NCBM have helped to support him in finishing the home. As NCBM has been instrumental in helping many of the workers build their homes, or churches.    

 After church I came back to the house, after we finished cleaning we went to the pool!  I enjoyed meeting two guys hired for one years time to work for Samaritans purse, as well as a PA who had come for the week to serve.  It was great getting to talk with these guys about their jobs of inventory for supplies bought by Samaritan’s Purse (trying to find the best deals), as well as learning about the Cholera clinics they are conducting.

Now I wait for mom , and team 82 to arrive from the airport!

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