Monday, July 4, 2011

First day of travels and arrival to Titanyen, Haiti!!

   With only two hours sleep I made it with my friend Pam Hall to the airport. We met part of our team from Hamptonville doing construction, then met the rest of the team in Miami, FL, a team from Raleigh (1 doctor, his one daughter is a nurse assistant, his wife, and two other daughters, as well as another construction group from Stedman, NC.  We have an awesome team, 8 women, and 13 men, and this team has been awesome so far!! In the group are two pastors, a respiratory therapist, two teachers, one high school guy, and another guy in college, as well as other men well experienced with previous mission trips.  Our love for missions has quickly bonded us all, and we split into our three teams each day for construction, alpha team medical, and omega team medical.  Our first day was wonderful, the weather oddly overcast, and the breeze refreshing, we arrived on a school bus to the compound, with noted by Bobby, one stoplight added near Port-Au-prince, yet many pot holes line the road, that once were paved. Still this has made the rides quite entertaining with the busy traffic, or trucks, people, bikes, and buses all trying to dodge pot holes, cows, and people, and honking, so fun : )  Our orientation at the compound was amazing!! I wish I had recorded it just hearing Dr. Vlad, and Dr. Merline's testimonies, how they were given the gift of medical education, and after the earthquake just volunteered with NC Baptist men working almost 36 hours straight after the earthquake with Rescue 24 physicians/ NC Baptist men.  This relations quickly formed such a strong bond, and now amazing partnership, now having hired Dr. Vlad, Dr.Merline, and Dr. Francies to work week after week holding these mobile clinics around Haiti.  They do this because they have been blessed, and are forever grateful, and being Christians want to share God's love, God's hope through the gift of medicine to their people of Haiti.  Our night devotion was outside, it was a cooler breeze outside, and was amazing, a pastor, and his daughter, and son let in worship songs and Dr. Halbrooks led the devotion........


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